
Modern Languages 207
Office Hours
Wednesday, 11 a.m. - 12 p.m.,
Thursday, 12-1 p.m.,
Wednesday, 10-11 a.m., Think Tank
Sanchez Moreno, Sofia
Graduate Associate

Estudiante de doctorado (PhD) en Hispanic Linguistics. Principales intereses: pragmática y enseñanza de español.

Currently Teaching

SPAN 333 – Advanced Spanish for Heritage Learners

Develops oral and written Spanish for academic and professional contexts. Emphasizes different genres of writing, focusing on rhetorical strategies for persuasive and argumentative writing and culminates in a research paper. Grammar and spelling are covered based on student needs.

Develops oral and written Spanish for academic and professional contexts. Emphasizes different genres of writing, focusing on rhetorical strategies for persuasive and argumentative writing and culminates in a research paper. Grammar and spelling are covered based on student needs.

Develops oral and written Spanish for academic and professional contexts. Emphasizes different genres of writing, focusing on rhetorical strategies for persuasive and argumentative writing and culminates in a research paper. Grammar and spelling are covered based on student needs.

Develops oral and written Spanish for academic and professional contexts. Emphasizes different genres of writing, focusing on rhetorical strategies for persuasive and argumentative writing and culminates in a research paper. Grammar and spelling are covered based on student needs.