
Default Arizona
ML 207
Office Hours
Wednesday, 10 a.m. - 11 a.m.,
Thursday, 11-12 p.m., Think Tank
Arrutia Garcia, Sara Maria
Graduate Associate

I am a second-year PhD student in Hispanic Linguistics. My principal interests are pragmatics, sociolinguistics and second language acquisition. I hold two masters, one in Teaching Spanish as a second language from University of Navarra, Spain (2019) and the other in the arts of teaching languages with an emphasis in Spanish and English, from The University of Southern Mississippi (2021).

Currently Teaching

SPAN 323 – Intermediate Spanish for Heritage Learners II

A continuation of SPAN 253. Focuses on expanding the learners' oral and written academic proficiency and promotes their critical thinking skills in a dynamic cultural context centered on Latin America. Reviews advanced grammar and spelling issues to strengthen students' writing.

A continuation of SPAN 253. Focuses on expanding the learners' oral and written academic proficiency and promotes their critical thinking skills in a dynamic cultural context centered on Latin America. Reviews advanced grammar and spelling issues to strengthen students' writing.

A continuation of SPAN 253. Focuses on expanding the learners' oral and written academic proficiency and promotes their critical thinking skills in a dynamic cultural context centered on Latin America. Reviews advanced grammar and spelling issues to strengthen students' writing.

A continuation of SPAN 253. Focuses on expanding the learners' oral and written academic proficiency and promotes their critical thinking skills in a dynamic cultural context centered on Latin America. Reviews advanced grammar and spelling issues to strengthen students' writing.