
Currently Teaching
SPAN 101 – First Semester Spanish
Oral approach. For the student with no previous experience in Spanish. Contact department for additional information.
SPAN 210 – Latin America on Film
Throughout its history, Latin America has witnessed a conflict of social, cultural and political differences. The challenges of defining Latin America have been arduous and at times difficult. Each academic discipline has taken a narrow prospective view of what is Latin America. Therefore, this class Introduces students to the concept and origins of popular culture and to social theories used to analyze its impact on self, culture in modern consumer societies and national and regional images of identity. Students will focus on understanding the history, politics, cultural, and social reality changes in Latin America.
Throughout its history, Latin America has witnessed a conflict of social, cultural and political differences. The challenges of defining Latin America have been arduous and at times difficult. Each academic discipline has taken a narrow prospective view of what is Latin America. Therefore, this class Introduces students to the concept and origins of popular culture and to social theories used to analyze its impact on self, culture in modern consumer societies and national and regional images of identity. Students will focus on understanding the history, politics, cultural, and social reality changes in Latin America.
Throughout its history, Latin America has witnessed a conflict of social, cultural and political differences. The challenges of defining Latin America have been arduous and at times difficult. Each academic discipline has taken a narrow prospective view of what is Latin America. Therefore, this class Introduces students to the concept and origins of popular culture and to social theories used to analyze its impact on self, culture in modern consumer societies and national and regional images of identity. Students will focus on understanding the history, politics, cultural, and social reality changes in Latin America.
Throughout its history, Latin America has witnessed a conflict of social, cultural and political differences. The challenges of defining Latin America have been arduous and at times difficult. Each academic discipline has taken a narrow prospective view of what is Latin America. Therefore, this class Introduces students to the concept and origins of popular culture and to social theories used to analyze its impact on self, culture in modern consumer societies and national and regional images of identity. Students will focus on understanding the history, politics, cultural, and social reality changes in Latin America.
Throughout its history, Latin America has witnessed a conflict of social, cultural and political differences. The challenges of defining Latin America have been arduous and at times difficult. Each academic discipline has taken a narrow prospective view of what is Latin America. Therefore, this class Introduces students to the concept and origins of popular culture and to social theories used to analyze its impact on self, culture in modern consumer societies and national and regional images of identity. Students will focus on understanding the history, politics, cultural, and social reality changes in Latin America.
SPAN 341 – Translation and Interpretation: Social Justice and Practice
Professional, social justice, sociolinguistic, and cognitive aspects of Translation and Interpretation. Includes language policy and social justice goals to providing language services for limited and non-English speaking populations, role of translators and interpreters, simultaneous and consecutive interpretation, role of norms in legal translation, meaning of translation, health care interpretation and translation, business and technical translation, observation of professional settings, translation and interpretation practice. This course is a prerequisite for the following courses: MAS 306, MAS 308, MAS 309, MAS 311, MAS 408, MAS 409.