
Picture of Jorge de la Hoz Leal
Modern Language Building, Room 550
Office Hours
Tuesdays, 2:00 to 3:00 PM
de la Hoz Leal, Jorge
Graduate Assistant


My name is Jorge de la Hoz Leal and I am Ph.D. student in Hispanic Linguistics and a Graduate Assistant for the Department of Spanish and Portuguese. I graduated from the University of Salamanca (Spain) with a BA in Translation and Interpreting. As a part of my undergraduate studies, I enjoyed the opportunity of completing an academic exchange in the University of Iceland. I obtained my master's degree in Spanish from Wichita State University. I am extremely interested in Spanish for heritage speakers, translation studies, language access and health equity. 

On a personal note, I love hiking, museums and sports; especially basketball. 

Currently Teaching

SPAN 323 – Intermediate Spanish for Heritage Learners II

A continuation of SPAN 253. Focuses on expanding the learners' oral and written academic proficiency and promotes their critical thinking skills in a dynamic cultural context centered on Latin America. Reviews advanced grammar and spelling issues to strengthen students' writing.

A continuation of SPAN 253. Focuses on expanding the learners' oral and written academic proficiency and promotes their critical thinking skills in a dynamic cultural context centered on Latin America. Reviews advanced grammar and spelling issues to strengthen students' writing.