
Modern Languages 207
Office Hours
Tuesdays 2-3 pm and by appointment.
Escalera Lopez, Helena
Graduate Associate

Helena is a third-year Ph.D. candidate in Hispanic Linguistics with a minor in Second Language Acquisition and Teaching. Her research centers on experimental and laboratory phonology, with a focus on the effects of word structure in the production, perception, and processing of speech, as well as on Spanish lexical stress perceptual training for L2 learners. Another area of interest is heritage language teaching, where Helena is dedicated to integrating linguistic content courses with the Critical Language Awareness framework, striving to provide high-quality, inclusive education for Spanish heritage speakers at all levels.

Currently Teaching

SPAN 340 – The Sounds of Spanish

In-depth study of articulatory phonetics with emphasis on both theory and practical applications for non-native speakers of Spanish. (Taught in Spanish).

SPAN 343 – The Sounds of Spanish for Heritage Speakers

Introduces learners to Spanish phonology and phonetics. Students learn about the differences between spoken and written language as the basis to advance their Spanish proficiency. It also focuses on exposing students to the different varieties of the Spanish-speaking world.

Introduces learners to Spanish phonology and phonetics. Students learn about the differences between spoken and written language as the basis to advance their Spanish proficiency. It also focuses on exposing students to the different varieties of the Spanish-speaking world.

Introduces learners to Spanish phonology and phonetics. Students learn about the differences between spoken and written language as the basis to advance their Spanish proficiency. It also focuses on exposing students to the different varieties of the Spanish-speaking world.